
Spraysafe is the foundation accreditation for operators, pilots and loader mixers working in the aerial application industry.   

It has been specifically developed for the Aerial Application industry in Australia by the AAAA in conjunction with chemical use and safety specialists, agronomists, pilots and government authorities.

Spraysafe accreditation is awarded in three categories

Spraysafe Pilot Accreditation demonstrates that ta pilot has been trained in and understands: 

  • the physics of applying chemicals in their context 
  • the safe working methodology for using and applying chemicals. 
  • the importance of correct setup and calibration of their aircraft and equipment.
  • the legal aspects of chemical use 
  • meteorological conditions and their effect on application operations. 
  • aerial application job management including record keeping, waste management and emergency actions. 

Spraysafe Loader/Mixer Accreditation demonstrates that a loader/mixer has been trained in and understands:

  • the safe working methodology for using and handling chemicals.
  • the importance of correct setup and calibration of their aircraft and equipment. 
  • the legal aspects of chemical use. 
  • aerial application job management including record keeping, waste management and emergency actions.

Spraysafe Operator Accreditation.  Operators are required to meet stringent guidelines in order to achieve Spraysafe accreditation, including an independent inspection of the operator’s base facilities.

  • Operator Spraysafe accreditation requires all staff to be Spraysafe accredited.
  • Accreditation requires the completion of an independent evaluation of the facilities and systems of the company against predetermined standards.
  • Accredited Operators may be audited by the AAAA to ensure standards are maintained. 

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Use our order form for Spraysafe manuals and exams

Spraysafe Pilot Examination 

The Spraysafe pilot examination is a 3-hour, open book exam that must be externally supervised. The examination has a pass mark of 75%. 

To order a Spraysafe Pilot exam, use the order form. In completing the order form, you must name the supervisor who must be acceptable to AAAA and provide their direct mail and phone contact details. 

Acceptable supervisors include: 

  • your aerial application training provider (CASA approved examiner) 
  • a CASA approved flight training school 
  • an officer of a State agency such as the Department of Primary Industry or EPA 

Due to the need to maintain State/Territory approval of the Spraysafe accreditation and to ensure the security and robustness of the examination process, AAAA will not provide electronic copies of the examination.  Exams and manuals are only available in Australia and will not be sent overseas. 

Spraysafe pilot accreditation lasts 3 years. During that time, you can either participate in the AAAA Professional Pilot Program (PPP), or you can resit the exam before your accreditation expires.  Information on the PPP is available in the Members area.

Spraysafe Loader / Mixer Examination 

The examination is a 2-hour, open book examination able to be supervised by the business owner.  The exam has a pass mark of 75%.

Additional resources for loader/mixers are available to AAAA members including a ‘Guide to Loader/Mixing’ and a training video on the ‘Principles of Loader/Mixing’. 

To order an exam, please use our order form. 

Use of the  Spraysafe logo shows that you are dealing with a team who understands and respects chemicals, safety, the environment and your business. 

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