Standard Operations Manual

The AAAA has developed and maintains a Standard Operations Manual (SOM) for use by operators working under Part 137 of CASR.

The SOM is designed to provide a commonality of approach by aerial application operators across Australia which facilitates pilot and aircraft movement to take advantage of seasonal and growing conditions.

Please contact the AAAA office to purchase your AAAA SOM.

To purchase and use the SOM, you will need to:

  1. Read and accept the terms and conditions for using the SOM.

  2. Pay the appropriate SOM fee

The SOM is provided with instructions to customise it to an operator’s business.  Some time is required to make sufficient changes to meet regulatory requirements. The AAAA can assist operators in setting up their SOM.

The SOM is provided in a licensed form which is supported while AAAA membership is maintained. This means AAAA members are provided with all updates, suggested changes and notices.

The SOM is regularly reviewed and updated based on legislative and rule changes.

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